Joshua celebrated his second heart birthday on October 29.
He wrote a book about it to share at his party: My Heart Birthday is not heart surgery. My heart birthday is my spiritual heart birthday. I went to a festival and I got a bracelet. An unusual bracelet. It had colors that tell the story of going to heaven. I talked to Mommy and Daddy about my sin problem. I knew John 3:16 said I had to believe in Jesus to get a white heart. I went to Starbucks and I prayed for a white heart and I got one. I still felt the same after I had a white heart. Today I am celebrating two years of heart birthday.
He drew a picture of him in heaven holding Jesus' hand and a fishing pole in the other hand. He drew a picture of his "unusual" bracelet. He drew a picture of Starbucks with him praying at a table in front of a window. He even has the green Starbucks lady on the roof.
He received a JL made completely out of coffee straws (very impressive) and a card from some friends. We went out to Chipotle (his favorite restaurant) and went fishing together. As I reflected on what evidence of a changed life I saw in him, I was listening on the baby monitor to he and Hannah in bed chatting. Joshua was going through the Bible stories in his Bible, teaching them to Hannah one by one and quizzing her.